What can you expect when you join us?

Sunday Morning



We enjoy the opportunity of praising God in song, just like God's people have done for centuries. You’ll notice that we sing without musical instruments. This is because we have several examples in the New Testament of Christians singing together and we emphasize the heart and mind as our instruments of praise. There are songbooks for us to use as we sing and we also display the songs on a large screen for convenience. Feel free to join with us as we pour out our hearts to God in song. Don’t worry about how you sound; God is more concerned with the condition of our hearts than the quality of our voices.



At several points during our worship, we will stop and pray to God. This is a special time, as we approach the throne of God with our thankfulness and praise, as well as our pains and concerns. You’ll notice that we often pray for those who are sick and hurting by name. We know that God hears our prayers, and we take this privilege seriously.


Lord’s Supper

If you are visiting with us on a Sunday morning, we will take the Lord’s Supper together. Since the early Christians took part in this memorial on the first day of the week, we observe it every Sunday. As we participate in this meal, trays of unleavened bread will be distributed to everyone. This bread represents the body of Jesus, and as we break off a piece and take it, we remember Jesus’ sacrifice. Next, trays of small cups containing “fruit of the vine” will be passed out to everyone. This represents the blood Jesus shed for us. As we take out a cup and drink it, we remember the power of His blood. If you do not wish to participate in this memorial, just past the tray on to the person next to you.



We understand that God has blessed us richly, and He has given us the responsibility to use those blessings in His service. In the New Testament church, fellow Christians provided the financial support to carry out the Lord’s work, and we seek to do the same. We’ll pass around trays to everyone, and each Christian will have the opportunity to cheerfully give and further the ministry of this congregation. As our guest, you are not expected to participate; feel free to pass the tray on to the person next to you.


Even though we have a preacher who invests his time and energy in studying God’s Word and sharing it with us. The messages are designed to connect us to God and encourage and promote our faithfulness in daily living. There are Bibles available so that you can read along during the lesson. Please know that if you visit one of our services, you will be our welcome guest. We hope you will let us get to know you and find ways we can serve you.