Russellville Christian School is a preschool (3’s/4’s) and Kindergarten school established in 1976. Students must be of age by August 1st to attend. We encourage Biblical values and teach them to our students as well as academics, social, and motor skills. Our teachers have years of experience and are members of the church of Christ. All teachers have been background checked and are yearly CPR/first aid trained. We have community helper programs, centers, field trips, a playground, and many other special dress-up days and programs such as at Christmas and for Kindergarten graduation. We welcome you to come and check out our school. God bless!
Contact Us
Request more information, schedule a tour, enroll your child, or have questions then click on the link below to mail our director.
(270) 726-9685
620 Crittenden Drive P.O. Box 262
Russellville, KY 42276
Meet the Director: Tina Gill
My name is Tina Gill, and I am the new director of Russellville Christian School.
I am looking forward to working with the families of RCS. RCS has deep roots and holds a special place in my heart for being a wonderful place for children to learn. I have fond memories of my oldest daughter being a student at RCS. I aim to keep RCS a kind, loving, and safe environment for all our students.
I look forward to meeting each family and getting to love your children.