Mission Work is an integral part of our church.

Not only locally but all across the globe.

“For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45

Crittenden Drive Church of Christ is involved in many missions. Many of our members have served in our community and various countries around the world. We have been blessed to share the gospel with so many and make a difference in not only someones’ life but ours as well.

Missions We Support Daniel Gaines -Tanzania Missions, World Christian Broadcasting, Trevor Mason - Mission Manukau, Lehman Avenue Evangelize KY, Potter Children’s Home, Bear Valley Bible Institute, Logan County Good Samaritan, Dale Byrum - Phillippines Missions, The Yazee’s - Mission Arizona, Healing Hands International, Big Reedy Christian camp, and many members individual mission trips.