What We Believe

Since we desire to glorify God, we use His Word as our guide in every aspect of church life. The Old Testament (the first 39 books of the Bible) promises a Savior, who would bring the opportunity for mankind to be forgiven of sin and spend an eternity in Heaven. The New Testament (the last 27 books of the Bible) reveals Jesus Christ and the church which He began. That is the church we want to be, and the New Testament is our only rule of faith and practice in fulfilling that mission. Because of that, we wear the name of Christ. The phrase “church of Christ” is used in the New Testament to describe congregations of Christians (Romans 16:16, for example), which is why we use that name. Our intent is not to designate ourselves as a denomination, but to indicate that the church belongs to Christ.

Jesus prayed that His followers would be unified (John 17), and we seek to unify under God’s Word. That is why we do not use human creeds or traditions as our authorities. Only our Creator can set the agenda for how we should live, act, and believe. That is also why we are not organized as a denomination with an earthly headquarters. Congregations of the church of Christ are autonomous, which means that every congregation governs itself. Although we often cooperate with nearby congregations for mission efforts, area-wide workshops and devotionals, etc., no one person or group makes decisions for every congregation. Each congregation is led by a group of elders who possess specific qualities, according to the New Testament model (I Timothy 3 and Titus 1). Our ministries are led by deacons, and their role is also outlined in those passages.

As you can see, we value the Bible highly. We do not want to add or take away from God’s Word; we want to do just what He asks of us. Isn't that the best way to show our appreciation to God? As our lives are molded and shaped by His Word, we will continue to grow and develop spiritually. We won’t always be perfect, but we can be forgiven. We don’t have all the answers, but we will serve the One who does.

Interested in learning more? Just send us an e-mail, give us a call, or stop by for one of our services. If you have questions about the Bible, click on the email link below or use the form on our contact page. We would love to talk with you!